Wednesday, October 17, 2007

do me favor

why do people find it necessary to come to work when all they can do is cough every 2 seconds? the person that sits across from me gets bronchitis like clockwork - 15,980,765 time a year - no joke, okay, well, maybe a little joke.

if you're coughing so much and it's so uncontrollable that you cannot get your hand over your mouth to cover it you need to do one of two things.

1. don't come to work. i don't care what drugs your doctor gave you. i don't care what cough suppressant your taking. and most of all, i don't care if you don't think you're contagious. if you're coughing and feel like fecal matter - you're contagious (in my book at least).

2. wear a effing mask. that whole sars pandemic (was it a pandemic?) taught the world that masks could be fashionable and serve a health purpose at the same time. they're relatively cheap, unless you want ones that have some kind of logo or drawing or, god forbid, sequins.

please please please. i hate getting sick, and more than that, my fiancee hates me when i'm sick. if you're too cheap to stay home or buy a stupid mask, i'll make you one. i have tissue and floss, we'll make it work.

and for pete's sake, drink heavily at night to clear that ess up.

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